DARPA is developing a new search engine called Memex, which is being designed to map the Darknet and help stop online human trafficking. Memex is being developed by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) with the help of 18 partners, including NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The program is expected to change how we use the Internet and could potentially be a Google-killer. This page provides links to articles discussing Memex and its potential impact on the future of search.
MindWar is a planned, systematic, and comprehensive effort involving all levels of activity from the strategic to the tactical. It is aggressive because opinions and attitudes must be actively changed from those antagonistic to us to those supportive of us if we are to achieve victory. This article compares the definition of MindWar with that of psychological warfare as first offered by General William Donovan of the OSS in his World War II-era “Basic Estimate of Psychological Warfare”. It also includes a video about MKUltra, the CIA Mind Control Project.